Friday, August 24, 2012

Van Broke Down

As Roseanne Roseannadanna would say: "Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something! If it's not one thing, it's another! ".

 Today I got in the van to go to the Post office & the Sterling recycling Center.  As I drove down the driveway I heard a noise that sounded like a branch underneath the van.  But as I pulled onto the road, I noticed that the battery check light was on & that I had lost power steering.  Oh NO!

I pulled into the  Sterling Recycle Center to see old friends and check the swap shed.  I opened the hood and had found that the fan belt was off.  Upon further inspection, I found that the idler pulley was frozen. A quick call home to Elly to see if our usual repair garage was open on Saturday.

Sterling Recycling Swap Shed

As luck would have it,  the repair garage was open, and I managed to limp there without overheating the engine.  It needs the idler pulleys replaced.  They were frozen from sitting idle for 6 months in the winter.  Should be an easy fix once the parts are available.

Now we have only Evan's car to get around in until the van is repaired. 

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