Thursday, August 2, 2012

Update on La Cresta Fire

It now looks like the fire was accidentally set by brush clearing equipment.  See this link: Murrieta Fire.

Map of where the fire was in relation to where we live

These helicopters were buzzing our house all day long, because ...

they were filing up right down the street in our community!

Took a ride up there this morning. The fire made it all the way to the main road and scorched some of the Santa Rosa Ecological Preserve.

Santa Rosa Preserve in foreground, burned hills in background.  I think this is where the fire started by someone clearing brush by the road right here.

Burned hills with the houses that survived the blaze

This is my video that shows the hills that burned.

The Santa Rosa Preserve was closed due to fire hazard today.  Here's another video shot by a homeowner in the area.

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