Monday, July 2, 2012


Today we decided to take the day off and have some vacation time with Evan.  We took a trip up to La Cresta, the area that overlooks the Bear Creek Community to show Evan the houses and ranches up there.  While we were there we found the road that lead to the houses that "peek over" the Bear Creek Community and took this Panorama photo.

Click on this pic to make it bigger.  Red arrow point to our condo.
After touring around La Cresta and De Luz (see earlier posts) and driving down the road that "drops off" the Santa Rosa Plateau, we decided to play miniature golf at Mulligans.  This is one of our favorite things to do with Evan.  He gets so mad when he loses, but we played two games,  Elly & I tied the first game, Evan won the second. Everyone was happy!

Elly & Evan playing mini golf
After mini golf we cooled off in the condo pool and relaxed for the rest of the evening.  Vacationing is fun.

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