Friday, February 10, 2012

More Furniture Today

We got up early today, but not for yard sales.  We will miss all the yards sales today because we have to go get the desk that we bought last weekend and that Elly has been desperately waiting for.  We arranged for some local movers to get the four pieces that we bought from a family that is moving in with their parents in Las Vegas. But we have to go meet the movers and pay for the desk.

Turtles in the Pond (click to make bigger)
Here is a nice picture of some turtles in the pond just outside our patio. (just for Gracie!).

We hit a few yard sales before we got to the desk place because the movers called and said that they would be a half hour late.  They arrived  at the new time, wrapped the pieces and loaded them on the truck.  About a half hour later they arrived at the condo and unloaded the pieces into the condo.  Elly is very happy with her desk and credenza.

In the afternoon we hit a few more yard sales down by the Pechanga Casino.  We decided to go visit the casino to see what it as like.  It was filled with electronic slot machines.  Since we were hungry we opted for the buffet.  What a buffet it was.  There was any kind of food that you would want plus enough desert options to make anyone gain a few pounds.  The buffet became our lunch and dinner. We were stuffed when we left.

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