Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Cold & Rainy

Unlike in the song, it does sometimes rain in Southern California.  Today was overcast, sprinkling and about 55-60 degrees.  Elly says its "freezing".  I think she already forgot what "freezing" is like.  Elly got tired of waiting for her desk, so she set up her eBay photo studio on cardboard boxes, took her pictures and put a few things upon eBay.  You can click here to see her items on eBay.  We are using the gas fireplace often to keep the chill out of the air in the morning.  Elly loves having her morning coffee by the fireplace.  The flowers in this picture are the fresh cut flowers Elly bought at the Temecula Farmers Market on Sunday.

Today I painted one of the shelves that we bought at the yard sales to match the red in the kitchen.  I also went to U-Haul to try to get my hitch into the hitch receiver in case I need to use a trailer.  The hitch was all rusted from the New England salt.  After about 20 minutes of chipping rust out from inside the receiver, the U-Haul tech managed to get the hitch in & pinned.  I think now it is permanently installed because I don't think it will be possible to get it out due to the rust.  The cars in California have no rust on their under-carriages.  All the cars are nice and shinny.  I think we have the crappiest car the condo complex. Oh well!

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