Monday, January 14, 2013

Moving Day!

Today is moving day.  Everything is packed. The Truck is here!

Stuff in the Garage

Ramp to he truck

Empty truck, ready to be filled

Empty truck in driveway.
We are just waiting for the laborers to arrive at noon.

Update 1 at 2:00:  Well noon came and went, 1:00 came and went, after 4 text messages and calls to a full voice mail, we gave up hope.  This is weird because I had just talk to him last night and everything was good to go at noon today!  Plan B is to call two other movers that we used in the past year and arranged to have one of them here asap.  Hopefully we can everything loaded tonight.  More Updates coming.

Update 2 at 4:30:  Finally received a text message from the "no-show" movers.  He said he was pulled over last night for a traffic violation and was thrown in jail for an outstanding bench warrant for another traffic violation! He was just let out of jail and apologized profusely. Only in California!

Update 3 at 7:00:  Plan B worked! Paul's Movers showed up at 5:00 and packed the truck in 2 hours. Done by 7:00, wine time at our neighbors before heading to Riverside. What a day.  Pictures of the loaded truck tomorrow.

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