Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hiking in San Timoteo Canyon

Yesterday for Halloween, we were invited up to San & Mike's house in Redlands.  They had a full day in store for us including hiking in the San Timoteo Canyon, viewing the Halloween festivities on Cajon Street in Redlands, and dinner.   We haven't seen them since they came back from their vacation trip to France with their nieces and their work trip to China where they were teaching Chinese students.

The hiking trail they chose overlooked the San Timoteo Canyon (see here on wikipedia) and was not too far from their house at the Redland Conservancy.  Read more about the Conservancy here on their website.  We hiked the Oakmont & the Oakridge Trails there.

The Trail map of the trails we hiked

Here is a panorama of our view from most of the hiking trail.

Panorama of San Timoteo Canyon. Click to make larger
The hike was 3 miles long on a trail that was cut into the sides of the hills.  We were in the sun the entire time and Elly loved it. The day was warn in the high 80s.

The hiking trail ahead of us

San, Elly & Mike on the Trail
San & Elly wondering how come the guys are so slow!
Another view from the trail.
More Trail Views
After hiking we stopped for a well needed rest and water on the benches at the trail head.  There were some nice houses right near the trail head.  These houses typically are selling right now for over $1.2 million.  I am sure that if someone gives me a $1 million I could come up with the extra $200,00. 

One of the homes at the head of the trail.

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