Saturday, September 15, 2012

Real Polish Kielbasa!

We went to the European Delicatessen (aka Golemo's market) to pick up some real Polish food.  Usually when we go there, we are the only customers speaking English.  Luckily the cashiers are bi-lingual and we have no problem ordering what we want. Occasionally we see something that some another customer orders that looks real good and we have to ask what it is.  They are very helpful explaining the different foods.
Golemo's Market on Millbury Street in Worcester
We usually get the smoked kielbasa, fresh kielbasa, pierogies and sauerkraut.  But since we are leaving soon for California, we just got some smoked kielbasa and sauerkraut to bring back with us.

Smoked kielbasa hanging behind the counter

This is what we bought, smoked kielbasa
We vacuum packed all the kielbasa, but haven't decided yet whether to ship it just put it in our luggage. 

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