Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Surfer Dudes

We went to preview the normal Tuesday auction in Mission Hills San Diego because the pictures looked good online.  Before we got to the preview we stopped at this great consignment store around the block from the auction gallery.  We didn't have much time to spend in the huge store, but Elly bought a painting for the kitchen.  Here is their website.
San Diego Consignment Store

The preview was a bust, so we decided to take the long way home through La Jolla and Torrey Pines (the uber expensive areas by the coast).  It was getting dark and damp so we didn't stop too long at the beach, but a managed to get a few pictures of some guys surfing.  These were taken with a small point & shoot digital camera at dusk.

Surfer Dude riding the "big" one

Pre Wipe-Out!

We also stopped at the glider port that overlooks the beach cliff, but the "marine layer" was moving in so the photo opportunities were not good.

Beach Below the Cliffs

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