Thursday, March 8, 2012

Picking in San Bernadino

The House. Notice tarp on roof covering fire damage.
I put an ad up on Craigslist for "Books Wanted".  Today we got an email from a lady in San Bernadino who is taking care of an estate.  While she was cleaning it out, the house caught fire from the electrical  wiring.  It looks like it was the old style "Knob & Tube".  We drove up there and spent about three hours picking through the books and junk.  Came home with about six boxes of stuff.  Keep an eye on our eBay listings in the next week for some of this stuff.

The living room with all the books.

Back Bedroom with more junk
There were plenty of books, but not many good ones. Got a few though.  Lots of Life & Look magazines.  Lots of climbing over things. I think they were hoarders.

You can read more about San Bernadino here.  We have found that San Bernadino is really not a place one would want to live in.  This is where the Hell's Angels Motorcycle Club originated.  On both occasions that we have visited this town, we noticed that the Walmart parking lot and the In-Out Burger parking lot both had their own private security vehicle patrolling the lots.  Really doesn't make one feel safe that private security is needed for the parking lots.
 According to the wikipedia link above "San Bernardino was the 16th most dangerous US city in 2003, 18th in 2004 and 24th in 2005."  "According to findings by the U.S. Cenusu Bureau,  San Bernardino was among the most poverty-stricken cities in the nation, second nationally behind Detroit."  Not a very good place to live.

Elly having fun in the burned out kitchen.
 Thank goodness that it is over an hour away from where we live in Murrieta, the 2nd safest city in the nation.  Check this link.

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