Sunday, October 2, 2011

Redlands, Pomegranates & Friends

We arrived safely in Ontario,CA, retrieved our luggage (I was a liitle worried that it wouldn't make it through the automated bagged system at Denver), and drove to Riverside. By the time we got settled, chatted with our cousin and went to sleep it was 11:00. Not that late except that it was 2:00 AM EST, way past our bedtime. We were exhausted!

Today we drove to Redlands to visit our friends Mike and San. It was only a 20 minute drive on the California freeways. We found their house without any problems thanks to the GPS on my Motorola/Google Xoom tablet (I couldn't travel without it!) It was really nice to our our old friends again after over 15 years. They reside in a really cute neighborhood with a pomegranate tree in their driveway loaded with ripe pomegranates! They also had a lime tree, lemon tree and a mandarin orange tree in their backyard. In New England, we have to buy those things in a grocery store, here they just walk outside and pick them. Our friends took us on tour of the sights of Redlands. We saw the cute downtown area, the Kimberly Crest House
and the grounds of ESRI, Inc where Mike retired from. After sightseeing, they invited us for dinner and served us couscous with a meat and vegetable stew. It was delicious! After dinner, we said our goodbyes as they were leaving on vacation for Panama and Colombia!

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